Carol Peace 2020
Carol Peace has been exhibiting works with Woolff Gallery since we first opened our doors in Shoreditch, East London in the early 2000s. Peace's beautiful and intensely personal sculptures are an intrinsic part of the gallery's showcase. We have exhibited Carol Peace's artwork across Europe and the USA and are excited to present a brand new body of work, seen for the first time here in our London Gallery for 2020.
The exhibition artworks are illustrated below, there are a number of slideshows and short films for most pieces - these could take a moment or two to load so so please bear with us. All artworks below are for sale and will be on display at the Woolff Gallery until 20th Nov 2020, please contact us for any hi-res images, further information, or to make an appointment to view the exhibition.
The video link below shows the exhibition in the gallery which, during lockdown 2.0 has been less easy to visit for many people, it was filmed in the gallery so you can see some of the artworks in situ, and also hear Carol Peace talk us through these beautiful sculptures. With her words she brings these artworks to life, giving us their back story and explaining the inspiration behind some of the works. Speaking with emotion and tenderness we find a new element to these sensitive and delicate artworks.
There is also a soundcloud link if you would like to hear more about her life and often colourful youth.

Exhibition 2020 artworks:

Carol Peace, 'There you are', Bronze resin £3,400
Edition of f 25,, 60cms high x 24 x 17 (also available in bronze)
(Click the images to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'Reflected', Bronze resin £1,800
Edition of 25, 54cms high x 10 x 14, (Bronze £6,800)
(Click the images to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'Love Him',Edition of 14
Bronze, 60cms high x 29 x 13, £4.800
(Click the images to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'Love Her', Edition of 14
Bronze, 56cms high x 24 x 18, £4,800
(Click the images to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'Love Him and Love Her together',
Bronze, Edition of 14, £4,800 each
(Click the images to enlarge)
Click for film and for Carol Peace talking briefly about the artwork

Carol Peace, 'Bang', Bronze resin
Edition of 25, 58cms high x 15d x 18w, £1,600
(Click the images to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'In My Hands', Life-size sculpture
Bronze resin (shown here in clay - images of actual artwork available soon, please contact us)
Edition of 14, 170 high x 45 x 44cm, £9,800
(Click the image to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'Allies', Bronze resin, £3,200
Edition of 25, 58cms high x 15d x 18w.
(Click the images to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'Girl on boat', Bronze,
Edition of 25, 55 x 9 x 27cm, £5,400
(Click the image to enlarge slideshow)

Carol Peace, 'I have it here', Bronze resin
Edition of 25, 54cms high x 18d x 15w with base, £1,600
(Click the images to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'Place I', Bronze female figure
standing in iron resin circle
Edition of 25, 41 x 41x 5cm, £3,800
(Click the image to enlarge slideshow)

Carol Peace, 'Here', Bronze resin,
Edition of 25, 88 x 17x 20cm, £2,800
(Click the image to enlarge slideshow)

Carol Peace, 'Place II', Bronze female figure
standing in walnut circle, Also available in Oak
Edition of 25, 41 x 41x 5cm, £3,800
(Click the image to enlarge slideshow)

Carol Peace, 'Rising, Bronze,
Edition of 25, 87 x 25 x 22cm, £9,400
(Click the image to enlarge slideshow)

Carol Peace, 'There isn't one way, Bronze resin,
Edition of 25, 115 x 29 x 29cm, £5,800
(Click the image to enlarge slideshow)

Carol Peace, 'Dream, Bronze resin,
Edition of 25, 52 x 20 x 14cm, £1,200
(Click the image to enlarge slideshow)

Carol Peace, 'Upside Down',
Bronze resin (shown here in clay - images of actual artwork available soon, please contact us)
Edition of 14, 86cms high x 27 x 40, £5,800
(Click the image to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'Place III', Bronze couple
sitting in iron resin circle.
Edition of 25, 41 x 41x 5cm, £2,800
(Click the image to enlarge slideshow)

Carol Peace, 'Its here',
Bronze on oak wall block
Edition of 25, 15 x 14 x 5cm, £1,200
(Click the image to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'Me and You',
Bronze on oak wall block
Edition of 25, 15 x 14 x 5cm, £1,200
(Click the image to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'Side by side',
Bronze on oak wall block
Edition of 25, 15 x 14 x 5cm, £1,200
(Click the image to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'Thank you',
Bronze on oak wall block
Edition of 25, 15 x 14 x 5cm, £1,200
(Click the image to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'With you',
Bronze on oak wall block
Edition of 25, 15 x 14 x 5cm, £1,200
(Click the image to enlarge)

Carol Peace, 'Your hand',
Bronze on oak wall block
Edition of 25, 15 x 14 x 5cm, £1,200
(Click the image to enlarge)